June 22 to June 28
The Awakened one does not indulge in day dreaming
June 15 to June 21
As you keep helping others, your heart flowers
June 8 to June 14
The root of all problems is getting emotionally stuck.
June 1 to June 7
The Awakened One has a birds eye view of everything
May 26 to May 31st
Any movement away from the "what is" is suffering.
May 18 to May 24
Meditation happens in the absence of the Meditator
May 11 to May 17
Freedom is not the transformation of the what is, it the witnessing of the what is
May 4 to May 10
Becoming aware of one's resistance is the process of transformation
April 26th to May 3
"The inability to pay total attention is the root of discontent"
April 20 to 25th
" Under the heat of attention, the inner dialogue undergoes a transformation"
April 13 to April 19
"There is a crowd inside of you creating a lot of noise, listening to that crowd is meditation"
Apr 6 to April 12
The Awakened one makes use of the world
The unawakened one is made use of by the world