QUESTION 1: It has happened to me many times, after experimenting an important charge of the past, I feel great peace. But after some time, the sensation of anguish and fear returns to me when I am in a similar situation. Is it possible that when the charge is very old and very rooted in us, we need to experiment it more than once to heal the charge?
VIKRAMJI: So first we have to realize the present charge has a lot of past. If you're having a particular kind of charge, like I said, when you're twenty, the weight is there for the charge, when you were fifteen, something must've happened when you were ten, something must've happened when you were seven, six, five. So, there are lots of levels, step by step Bhagavan is taking you, making you experience that.
The whole charge is a huge burden, huge burden for you. Bhagavan doesn't allow you to complete experience that. For example, suddenly a thousand pages is kept on you. A ton of heavy bricks are kept on you, you can't take on that weight. Bhagavan makes you first carry little by little, 20 kgs, 50 kgs, depending on your capacity and slowly takes you deeper into the roots of the problem, roots of the charge.
And as you go deeper and deeper it goes into what happened into your mother's womb, what happened into your past lives, the same what happened to your father, to your mother, to your ancestors, to the whole universe; (???) when you see how the charge is connected to you, then you are free of the charge.
So this has become a pattern in your brain. Neuron flow in the brain is acting in a particular pattern, so again and again it goes into that pattern. You have to become aware of the pattern to break that pattern.
So through practice you'll go on to become conscious of the pattern every time. Every time the mind tells you that you are a failure, a situation happens where you're pushed down and your mind tells you are a failure. Every time you look into that pattern you become conscious, suddenly the Kundalini rises up and it breaks the pattern permanently. So it has to happen through practice by being conscious every time.
So through an insight, through a particular realization, a physical change occurs in the brain. You're no more caught in the chat and the problem again and again. It is important that we go to the root of the problem, and for that we need a lot of inner integrity, a lot of strength to go deeper. That is when we completely unravel the mystery of the charge and dissolve the charge completely from its origins, from the roots.
All our past charges, all our unpleasant experiences, they are like, like diamonds. When you experience that you'll convert all that into assets. When you become awakened as you help others all that become assets. All those things have a purpose in your life that is why they've been given that. Should I repeat?
Daniel says PLEASE YES!
VIKRAMJI: All the past charges, they are all those unpleasant experiences, they have a role to play in your life. So as of now, it is a burden, it is a liability. But when you grow spiritually all that becomes your assets, becomes your strength. But as you help yourself then you help others also.
Lowly as you go deeper into the charge you know the origins and not limit yourself . It goes beyond the womb, your past lives, your father's life, your ancestors, your animals and all these things and you realize you can't really get disconnected from the charge. You realize it is not your job at all. This is flowing from the world flowing through you. Charge completely gets dissolved, the experience remains.
QUESTION 2: As a group we would really like to share with you the beautiful experience we have lived during the last 9 days at a retreat Gabriela and Fernando conducted last week at Capilla del Monte, Cordoba. Is it possible, Vikramji?
Daniel translates the following experiences of people who went to the retreat:
Marissa says in this retreat she realized that the whole process is like going down into the heart. From the head to the heart. That's what happened to her. And once you're in the heart you realize that liberation or Mukthi is given to you, you cannot reach it for yourself but is given to you; that's what she realized.
Martin says that during this experience he felt a lot of love and connection with everything. And he realized that he wanted to live like this always. He didn't want to, he was a little bit sad when he came back from the retreat because he felt like this connection was not there permanently. So he wishes to live like this always. Connected with the feeling, connected with the people, feeling love.
VIKRAMJI: So, how it can happen Danny, by staying with yourself, by connecting with AmmaBhagavan, for they are the source of that love, and then it flows into you and through you to all those around you. (???) This love is not something personal but it has to do with Divine Love. Who could have so much love and could be spreading it to others all the time? Only a Divine Love can do that. Once you have a good connection with Divinity you can give it to others. You can spread that love. Love flows from the Divine and that love must come into each one of us.
Daniel continues sharing the experiences
Lucas shares that during the retreat, the retreat was held in the middle of the mountains, in the nature, in Cordoba, in another province here from Argentina. So he's living here in the big city, and he realized that the energy of the big city is too dense for him. So, during the retreat he realized that he wanted to live closer to the nature. So, now in the next weekend he's going back to this place, you know, to be connected with all the nature and everything around. He wanted to share that.
VIKRAMJI: We also say that the city is a concrete jungle, you know, there is only a lot of walls, the walls between you and the other persons, all the time is giving you (???), but your heart is not responding. So countryside is a place where everything is green, everything is nice, everything is blooming and you also open up naturally. So everyone would like to live in such an atmosphere. The whole of nature is free, fresh and spontaneous. We also want to be spontaneous. Free and fresh, ready to respond. So when we get in touch with that nature automatically that part of you which wants to be free comes to the surface. (???) The more you come closer towards awakening you'll be more in touch with nature. Then, after awakening, awakening also after 2012, more people would like to live in nature, live away from these cities, all by themselves, that kind of a thing. Yes, they'll be efficient but once they finish their work they'll want to move back into their space, to their personal space with nature.
Daniel continues sharing the experiences
Paula shares that she received something very, very special from the Divine. And she feels that this divine gift is to be shared. That it's something she needs to share with others, and she's very passionate about it.
VIKRAMJI: Wonderful. As she shares her state also will deepen.
Daniel continues
Andrea shares that during the retreat she had a few insights where she could see herself living in an illusion, that everything was an illusion and for a few moments she could see everything out of the illusion. Out of the lie. Everything was like a play. So she felt so happy she was laughing about it.
VIKRAMJI: Has it affected her consciousness? Now is she able to see things differently? Has it brought about a change in her perception?
Daniel say YES! Also in the way she feels about things.
QUESTION 3: Why do we have to live our lives inside a body limited by the 5 senses and in 3 dimensions? This way we feel a big desire to have spiritual experiences but it is so difficult to have them. Is this perhaps children play?
VIKRAMJI: When you are limited by your senses and you are limited by the body we call it existing, not living.
When you are having the experience of the consciousness of the Divine you are beyond the body. Your perceptions have changed. (???) Then, to that consciousness we call 'Awakening' or 'Divine Consciousness'. (???) The Divine is our natural state which we have lost because of too much interference from the mind. Now, the goal is to become free of the mind and the processes.
Because of this, (???) we did become like that. So, it's not God's play or anything. Now again we are going to be taken by the divine, we are going to walk and talk with the divine. We are going to be in great states of awakening. All of this will happen in the near future. Awakening is free of all limitations, free of all restrictions, free of all involvements.
This spiritual experience, all that it is, is being in our natural state which we have lost. We have to get back our natural state of connection, having all those experiences, like flowing into life free from the mind. That is the aim for all of us. Now, AmmaBhagavan want to give it to us. They want to get closer to us. We want this connection, and they are making everything possible for us to take advantage of this opportunity so that we really reconnect.
QUESTION 4: What are the reasons dasas in India recommend to Trainers and Deeksha Givers that Homas are only be made in India? Could a Homa have undesired effects to participants if it's not correctly performed?
VIKRAMJI: There are lots of fire rituals available throughout the world. Oneness and Oneness fire rituals happen through the grace of AmmaBhagavan for a very express purpose. If in all of the ritual the intent is not very clear, then the Homa cannot work. In India, AmmaBhagavan, have created these Homas for us to prepare us for enlightenment, and all of that is going to help us in awakening when we become healthy, wealthy, when we have a lot of money, when we have a lot of prosperity; it all makes part for our awakening process, the goal is our awakening, so it has a special kind of preparation from AmmaBhagavan.
Through the processes of the guides, AmmaBhagavan have prepared us for these fire rituals with the specific purpose towards awakening. These rituals are very powerful because of the intent of AmmaBhagavan and because of the experience of the guides that perform them.
So, first is the intent of AmmaBhagavan. Second thing is, through the process for guides AmmaBhagavan have prepared us for these rituals. And since all this is, the purpose of all this is to awaken humanity all the divine beings respond in a very different manner than in any other ritual. (???)That's why we say that the rituals performed by the guides inside the Oneness University those we call Oneness Homas. All the other rituals are fire rituals that might be developed in their own way.
Through these rituals, since we are dealing with gods, when we don't do these Homas rituals properly, then there's more damage than actually healing. Here, once we had a ritual. One of the guides did the ritual and we naturally allow the ashes to burn until all are completely gone into ashes. All this is done at the altar. So somebody walked to the ritual and poured water on the burning sticks to burn them out. After that, for 6 months they called for prayers for there were no rains in that place. They had to pray and ask to have rains. (???)If we don't do these things properly there are adverse effects.
That is why it's important the preparations and properly connecting to the beings, and properly setting right (???) the beings, all these things are very important. That is why we try not to perform the Homas outside of the University in the name of Oneness. (???) they should be done with proper sacredness and the preparation is very different.
And also, the clear understanding of the mantras, all these things play an important role. So a little change, can change the whole meaning of the mantra. Let us say, pavitram means sacredness, apavitram means non-sacred. Just a small change, from pavitram to apavitram, changes the whole meaning of the mantra. So these things are very subtle. That changes the mantra effect.
(???) When the right time comes AmmaBhagavan will tell us and he will reveal these things, just like he taught us the Bhakti Yoga, different processes and all those difficult things. When the right time comes things will come. So these things should not be hurried. Or else there would be adverse effects.
QUESTION 5: I see sometimes there is a confusion with the teaching "Be yourself" or "Be bad". For me, this teaching does not mean "Do bad" and cause suffering to others. Can you please speak about this?
VIKRAMJI: Most of the Oneness teachings are for the internal world, not for the external world. This teaching specially is for the internal world. The whole thing is to become conscious of what is happening within you. So if you want to harm others, you have to become aware of the quality that is Yes, I want to harm others. Stay with that quality. Stay in that road. You'll become free of that. And with the intention to become free of it, by staying yourself is that freedom. Yes, I am a jealous person. Yes, I hate people. Staying in that road, that we call 'Be bad, be yourself'. (???)That is the interpretation of the teaching.
Other than fighting with that quality (No, I'm not a jealous person, I should not be like this, I should not be that), Bhagavan says "Be yourself, accept whatever you are". When you accept whatever you are then you create an opportunity to bring about a change. So be yourself, whatever you are, whatever is the quality within you, don't fight with it, don't try to become something else, stay in that road. That is the road for liberation that is the way for liberation.
QUESTION 6: If I ask for liberation from suffering sounds to me that I resist suffering. So I prefer to pray to accept the suffering. My discovery is that acceptance is also given by grace. So, dasaji, if I ask the divine to heal a relationship, sounds to me that I cannot the other person as he is. What is better dasaji, to ask the divine to heal a relationship or to ask the divine to accept the other person as he is?
VIKRAMJI: So the prayer is 'liberate me from suffering'. But the road that we take is through acceptance. The prayers will liberate you from suffering but the road the travel will be through acceptance. Whatever is there accepting is key. That is the road. So it is not a (???) prayer.
So we are not asking Bhagavan ' remove this suffering'. You're only saying Bhagavan liberate me from this suffering by experiencing the suffering. That is the road we are taking, through acceptance. All the time we are resisting the other person, we are resisting the suffering. You are not experiencing their suffering. Here we are experiencing the suffering. And thereby, permanently we are becoming free of the suffering.
So, why is that pain affecting you? That means there is some resistance, there is some charge inside of you. So focus on that charge, stay with that, go to the past, go to the source of the charge, unpress(???) the charge and permanently become free of the suffering. That is our way. That is our approach towards suffering.
QUESTION 7: I pray and ask the divine for some things that are never given to me. Which might be the reasons?
VIKRAMJI: There are two kinds of prayers. Prayers from the heart and prayers from the mind. Any prayer from the heart will naturally be fulfilled. All the prayers, within your desires, anything, if it comes from your heart which is natural, will definitely be fulfilled. If your prayers come from the mind, if they come from lack of security, comes from fear, come from jealousy or comparison, all the wrong reasons, if they don't come from your heart, then most likely they will not be fulfilled. The prayers are not answered because they lack clarity, because they are not genuine prayers, it is not a genuine desire. So whenever you feel that your desire is not being fulfilled, go into the desire and see where is the desire coming from. What is the source of this desire? Work on it and you'll understand it yourself.
We can also say there is a desire and there is greed. So we must see that, for example we must see that if you say "I must be the most beautiful person", " I must look beautiful". Saying "I must be the most beautiful person on this planet" that is called greed, that cannot be fulfilled. We must see where that desire is coming from. Is it genuine, or does it have any ulterior motives? We have to work on that. There is much more to it, but I think that is enough for now.
QUESTION 8: Last month lots of people inside the Oneness community saw with certain pain that there was a kind of claim, of some Deeksha Givers and Trainers that seem not to follow Oneness University guidelines or advises as they were claiming complete freedom to do what they feel to do. I understand that until we are awakened we have to follow certain minimal rules and guidelines to avoid causing suffering to others and ourselves. Is it correct dasaji, if not, why is the reason that the Oneness University provides the guidelines to Trainers and Deeksha Givers?
VIKRAMJI: There has always been complete freedom to do whatever you wanted to do. Ok? The only thing is don't use the name of Oneness for that purpose. Whatever you feel inner guidance coming from your heart, whatever you feel naturally to do you can do it. But don't claim it as Oneness, 'cause Oneness has a particular pattern, everything goes according a particular guideline emitted by AmmaBhagavan. When you break that, that you cause a particular kind of problems and that affects others. and that in turn comes back to you much more powerful damaging your life. So be conscious of it and see what you're doing, and be ready to face the consequences and take responsibility for that.
So when you're doing things on your own, from your heart, or whatever it is, don't use the name of Oneness. Just follow your heart and be ready to face the consequences. When you do that in the name of Oneness, you are disturbing the trust of the Divine, people's trust on the Divine, something happens to them, Oneness gets a bad name, AmmaBhagavan get a bad name. So be conscious of what you are doing. As a Oneness Trainer or Deeksha Giver you have a particular responsibility. You have to fulfill that responsibility. Or else don't use that name. Don't damage that name. So when you want to use the name of Oneness, all the Oneness guidelines and characteristics you must follow. Or else you don't use the name of Oneness.
You can conduct events in the name of Onenes following the complete rules of Oneness, then you do a separate event knowing what you feel from your heart and you'll be responsible for your actions. That is all. So you create both kinds of events and then you allow people to choose, give them the freedom to choose, and whichever happens we are free to follow that.
QUESTION 9: What is a thought and how it materializes?
VIKRAMJI: Thought is a flow of energy. So it is flowing from the past, through the present, into the future. These thoughts are not your thoughts, they are flowing through you, from past human collective consciousness, all the past events, all the past thoughts are flowing through you. Every time you have a thought you are losing energy. The thought is carrying a lot of energy, a lot of charge. You are just loosing energy. That is why we call having a thought same as 'suffering'. You are not experiencing anymore. You are caught in the thought, the flow of those thoughts. You are not able to experience life. We call it suffering or existence.
QUESTION 10: Do you have news about people that are very close to awakening in Latin-America, or at least true with themselves and experiencing suffering without resistance?
VIKRAMJI: I don't have any particular news like that. I don't know in particular about Latin-America but Bhagavan has said recently, even in the deepening darshans, that we have 10,100 awakened beings right now in the planet, and towards the end of 2012 we'll have 70,000 awakened beings ready. So that will affect all of the human collective consciousness pushing them towards awakening. We have to see whether Latin-America will fulfill its quota through all of you there. All over we are collecting a list of Deeksha Givers and all their I.D's, and AmmaBhagavan are going to focus on all those Deeksha Givers so that they become part of those 70,000. We can say we are collecting all that information focusing on that.
Daniel: These people are the ones who went to India?
VIKRAMJI: Yes, to India. Even there, all the people who go to the Oneness Awakening Courses, all the Deeksha Givers, all those lists you can send. Those who are being initiated, either directly or indirectly in their countries. Those lists. More and more, AmmaBhagavan are moving away into silence, so that Bhagavan start focusing on these numbers. So AmmaBhagavan are actually reducing physical interactions with people more and more, so that they can focus on these numbers turning them into awakened beings.
Gabriela: Dasaji, here you can start with more than 1,600 Deeksha Givers. We have the names we can send to you, and the 42 trainers in Argentina. So we will do it.
VIKRAMJI: Good, good, YES! Gabriela, can we end the session through a prayer?
Note of the transcriber:
After a few farewells a 2 minute meditation prayer follows with the intention that all in Latin America become awakened soon.