February 27, 2011 Broadcast with Salzburg, Austria
1. In our achievement-orientated western world, are we able to care for our family and ourselves after being awakened?
The awakened being is a really responsible being and takes a tremendous
concern about the people around him.
No matter what the situation, the awakened person would be able to handle it effortlessly.
2. I sense, that it is vitally important to build communities where we meet on a regular basis and support the global awakening. Why is it, that even in the Oneness-family the building of communities is so difficult and works out so slowly? What can we do to support the building of communities?
It would be very useful to build oneness communities and slowly things
appearing to happen not in great numbers but we see a beginning being made in several countries. I think in the next two or three years many oneness communities will emerge across the planet.
3. Sri Bhagavan, you said that in the 13th phase the power will be transferred on the mankind. What does that exactly mean?
In the thirteenth phase we have released what we now call the bakthi Yoga and the trainers who are going to conduct the bakthi yoga he must invoke us into the shri murti or the padukas and then he must test out if we have come or not. Once you have invoked us you must test out if we are there or not by feeling our heartbeat in the shri murti or the padukas. You must feel Amma`s heartbeat and Bhagavan`s heartbeat both which will be different. Once we are there you could of course invoke any God that you worship, any master teacher whose teachings you follow, you can use that teachings. There is complete freedom. But to start the process you got to invoke us. So what we are giving you is the power to invoke us. This is the power we are transferring in the 13th phase.
4. For the country Austria with its cultural capacity, is there anything special we can do to further the awakening process?
For Austria if you could work collectively you will achieve very great results.
5. Dear beloved Bhagavan, I have trouble feeling my feelings. I feel peace and calm, but I'm not sure if this is a good sign. I want to come in contact with my feelings. How do I proceed? Thank you, beloved Bhagavan for your answer.
You must start with small things like becoming aware of your breath, your body movements, your walk or the brushing of your teeth. You could start with physical things, becoming aware of physical things. As you keep doing this, you would naturally and effortlessly get in touch with your feelings.
6. Beloved Bhagavan, we participated in the Level 1, the Level 2 and the Trainer course in the Oneness University.
During our processes a lot of fears arose in us and we managed to resolve them. But there are still fears and conflicts keep coming. Will there ever be a time in our life, where this will stop? When will it happen? What is your advice to us?
You need not to be completely free of all your fears to be awakened. And once you are awakened no fear troubles you thereafter.
7. Beloved Bhagavan, there are a lot of expectations coming along with the concept of awakening. These expectations are becoming an obstacle in our spiritual path and growth. We cannot get rid of them. What is your solution for this extraordinary problem?
(from Katharina Grif – Tirol)
Currently this is a problem. But the coming months as more and more people become awakened, it will cease to be a problem.
8. Which role has Bakthi in the process of awakening?
(from Anita Franzl – Niederösterreich)
Bakthi is a short way to awakening. Is easy and very fast.
It is believed in India that 5000 years ago, there was a sage who said that
people of the world will sing and dance their way into awakening. That is
possible only if there is bakthi or devotion. And we believe that it is now
9. What will happen with our economical system within the next years? Will the kapitalism in its known form dessove or develope to a fair system for exchange? So that the prosperity that is there can manifest for all people in the same way?
(from Bernd Hochholzer – Salzburg)
A new system is going to emerge, which would neither be capitalism nor
socialism. What it is nobody knows at this point of time. But it will soon
emerge in the near future.
Its emergence will see and end to a current economic practice and the birth of the golden age.
10. Dear Bhagavan, I contemplate about all of the oneness-teachings and the weekly messages. (Thank you for all of the impulses). My mind is able to follow these teachings, my heart gets the wisdom and yet I am intrapped into my conditionings. Is there anything else I could do?
(from OT-Team)
You have done possibly all that you could do. Now it is up to the divine to make you awakened.
11. Beloved Bhagavan, right now it seems, as if the world going crazy. There are so many wars and hate. There are times, when I feel myself helpless. What is the best way to help the world in such difficult situation?
(from Egor Grif – Tirol)
The best way is to become awakened for if we are 70.000 awakened people we are going to transform the world.
12. Is it possible to heal physical ailments in connection with the divine
presence all by ourselves? And if so, how?
If you have a physical ailment you must do a bakthi yoga but must take the deeksha from the padukas. You must pray for the healing of your ailment and then touch the padukas. The padukas will then move your body automatically and do a lot of things on your body. Maybe in one sitting or two or three sittings, the padukas would heal you. You maybe will go unconscious but you should not be scared. It is always good to have someone around with you. And sometimes the padukas might be on work for hours. And you should be patient for the process to be over. The padukas could do amazing healings.
13. Does the Deeksha that I give to myself have the same power as when I get Deeksha from somebody else?
The deeksha whether someone gives it to you or whether you give it to
yourself is the same, because the source is the same.
Transcript: Katharina Sterlinger