Darshan with Sri Bhagavan and China
December 20, 2014
(The video begins with the answer to a question which is not on the recording.)
Bhagavan: Transformation in the form of concern happens before awakening and transformation in the form of responsibility happens after awakening.
Q2. Bhagavan, I'm conscious of fear. You said that fear experiencing is a happening. How can I make it Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: You must learn the art of looking at fear. When you start looking at fear, you begin to realize that the other side of fear is freedom. Once you get that insight, experiencing becomes very very easy.
Q3. What is learning and growth? How to learn and grow? Thank you Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: When we talk of learning in Oneness, we are referring to the inner world. When you keep looking at what is going on inside, you become free of conditioning and you become free of views. This becoming free of conditioning and views is what we call learning and when this kind of learning happens, there is tremendous growth. As you keep (lost signal for a few minutes) witnessing, slowly you begin to de-identify with thoughts, with your mind, with your body, and even with yourself. As you begin to grow more in de-identification, you also grow in being a witness. Ultimately, you become a pure witness. At that point you are completely filled with unconditional love and joy.
Q4. Bhagavan, (inaudible beginning of question.) Something about not being dominated by the mind.
Bhagavan: You must actually see as it is happening inside you that the mind is preventing unconditional love from happening as also the mind is preventing you from developing compassion. You must see the mischief of the mind in action. Then, it is like catching a thief. The moment the mind realizes that a part of it is watching itself, then it becomes quiet.
Q5. Bhagavan, I see more and more fear. You said fear is an inbuilt system in the human being. Then how can we really get rid of fear?
Bhagavan; Fear is the core of our being and to some extent it should be there. Fear is necessary for our survival, but fear also could prevent you from living. As you begin to see fear in action, (that is why you must learn to look inwards), then you would actually see fear in action and at that point of time, that very same fear gives you a joy and energy. Once fear becomes pleasurable and enjoyable, it is no more a problem.
Q6. Dearest Bhagavan, you say once you start speaking the truth, you will start respecting yourself. But I don't have courage to speak the truth. What should I do, Bhagavan? Thank you Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: The most powerful spiritual truth is truth. But we are not speaking about external truth. You have to survive in this untruthful world; therefore, you cannot take the chances with external truth. We are referring to inner truth, that is to see what is going on inside you, being truthful to yourself. The most important thing is to be true to yourself. You must truly know who you are. Whatever is there is not important. Are you seeing what is there - is all that is important. If you could do that all the Oneness teachings are your teachings. You would discover them for yourself. All that we talk about as awakening, transformation and all those things automatically come to you. If you try to get awakened or transformed, that is not going to work. What will work is inner integrity. It is the most powerful truth. Without inner integrity, there cannot be any growth.
Q7. I found I have difficulties to connect and feel my family members. What should I do, Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: In Oneness, the problem is not with the other. You must get the insight that the problem is with you. This does not mean the other is perfect. All that it means is that you too have problems. If you could get the insight that you are responsible, then all relationships automatically transform themselves.
Q8. Bhagavan, how to form a Oneness Community in China, Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: You must first form a virtual community and then you must discuss as much as possible the teachings, share your problems and try to help out the other. As you keep doing this, your levels of consciousness would go up. When the levels of consciousness go up, you stop judging people and it's such a joy to relate to people. It does not matter who or what the other person is. It is a delight to relate to fellow human beings. At that point, the virtual Oneness Community could become a physical Oneness Community.
Q9. Dear Bhagavan, you said, when you function from awareness, there is no karma. Please give us some more clarity. Thank you Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: When you function from awareness, karma does not create personal suffering. But karma is always there in this world. The past karma dissolves and new karma is being created. There is no escape from that. But there is escape from personal suffering. Suffering is there, but it is no more personal.
Q10. Dear Bhagavan, what is Oneness spirit, Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: Oneness spirit means first of all you must realize that there is no sameness in the world, nor is it possible, nor is it desirable. We are all different. We create the other and the other is creating us. We are all mutually dependent. The beauty is we're all different. But we're all one. Realizing this is the spirit of Oneness. Seeing how the other is different. And because of that the other is helping you. If we all were the same, there would be no humanity at all. Appreciating this difference is what we call Oneness. When you see this, you are filled with love for the other. You would develop concern for the other. You would develop care for the other and you would become responsible for the other. That is the spirit of Oneness.
Q11. Dear Bhagavan, we're always only concerned about ourselves. In this condition, how can we expand the self? Thank you Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: Oneness is all about being practical. You have a self and you are concerned about yourself. You must actually fulfill that condition. You must first of all fulfill yourself. If you do not fulfill yourself, you are not going to grow. You are trying to be free of the self. That is not possible. Please fulfill yourself. Then transformation and awakening naturally happen. You must stand on truth. The truth is you have a self.
And the self would do only that which gives it pleasure. If anything does not give it pleasure, it will not go after it. So please fulfill yourself -- in a constructive way. Not in a destructive way. Self could also do many constructive things.
I once met a very famous social worker. Very great social worker. He told me, through his social work helping millions of people, his self was getting fulfilled. Tremendous good work was happening through his self. Self could also be highly destructive and create great harm. We are not talking about that. We are talking about the constructive expression of the self.
The self needs to feel secure. The self needs pleasure. The self needs love. The self needs importance. The self needs power. The self needs growth. Please fulfill all these needs. They could all be fulfilled in a constructive way. That is the shortest way to spiritual growth. This fulfilling of the self will lead to transformation and awakening and ultimately into total Oneness.
You should not go after transformation or awakening. You must go after fulfilling the needs of the self. It is not yourself or myself. Like there is no such thing as your mind or my mind. There is just the mind. There is just the self. And the self has various needs. You could have some needs, I could have some needs. But they are needs of the self. Therefore I repeat, please fulfill the needs of the self. Not only would the needs of yourself be fulfilled, also you'll grow rapidly.
Q12. Dear Bhagavan, now we are helping each other because of our conditioning. How to help each other from our heart? Thank you Bhagavan.
Right now you are helping each other because of your conditioning. Now, become aware of it in action. ??? (not audible)
Q13. How to remove my negative thoughts and emotions so I won't be hurting myself and others?
Bhagavan: You must first learn the art of looking at your thoughts whether they are negative or positive. As you keep looking at your thoughts, you will be able to clearly see they are not your thoughts. They are just thoughts. At this point, the thoughts begin to disappear, leaving behind great energy. With some practice, you could get there.
Q14. My dearest Bhagavan, my relationship with my father is not good. Please give me some guidance. Thank you Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: You must stop judging your father. You must stop trying to change your father and you must feel grateful for all that your father has done for you. If you could do these things, your relationship could become very beautiful.
Q15. Dear Bhagavan, thank you for giving the teaching of engaging with life. It is so practical. Could you explain more about this. Thank you Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: Life is really very simple. You are born, you go to school. You learn and do a job or a business and earn money. You fall in love and you get married and you have children. Then you try to acquire some name or fame. You go through the ups and downs of life. You eat a lot of food and you have various kinds of pleasures. You also help others. You also create problems with others. All this is part of life.
Oneness is very, very simple. Oneness is all about small things. When you are eating, you must be fully alive while eating. That is, you must be aware of your eating. When you are worried about your wife or child, you must be intensely aware of that worry. When there is jealousy or anger, you must be aware of it. Whatever is going on, ou must be aware of it. What is going on is not important. What is important is, are you aware of it? It is just being aware of these simple things. To be aware of your breathing, to be aware of your walk, to be aware of your wife's face, to be aware when you are looking at your child's face to be aware of your wife's face, to be aware of when you are looking at your child's face, to be aware of all your feelings, fulfilling yourself, and being aware of it.
Doing simple, normal things with awareness is what we call engaging with life. Doing these simple small things is what we call awareness. This is what is Oneness all about. As you keep doing these things, great things begin to happen, but you should not focus on that. You should focus on these simple practical things. All else is automatic. All the other things that Oneness talks about. If you do this, you will get there. If you do not do this, you will go nowhere. This is engaging with life.
Q16. In one darshan, you said when following Oneness, there comes a point when naturally all paths will drop down. Then you will find your path. Will you explain about it? Thank you Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: The problem for man is that he has been dumped with so many teachings and so many paths. If man were left alone, he would naturally be awakened. Having said that he must now pick up on any one path and he should follow it intensely. There comes a point when he is free of that path and all paths. That is when he discovers his own path. The moment he discovers his own path, he is also awakened.
Q17. Bhagavan how Oneness trainer should present Oneness in China? Thank you Bhagavan.
Bhagavan: Oneness at its core is nothing but the setting right of relationships. It starts with the relationship with oneself. Then relationships with the family members, then friends and relatives, then your community, your society, your country, and the world. Life is relationship. If you set right relationship you would prosper, your family prospers, your society, your community and your country. Relationship is the basis of a happy community and a happy country.
Q18. Bhagavan, what is the vision we should hold in 2015 for China, Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: The vision should be the explosion of the spirit of Oneness among people for the whole of China.
Love you all, love you. Namaste.