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Sri Bhagavan's Darshan held on June 7th 2014 with Argentina and the Latin American countries.
Thank you Sri Bhagavan, we welcome you to Latin America and we are grateful for meeting with our countries. Thank you.
Q1. Dear Bhagavan, could you please clarify for us who or what is the Paramatma?
A1. Sri Bhagavan: When we use the word Paramatma, we are referring to the Divine. The Divine is unmanifest, is formless, is quality less. Now electricity, you could make use of it the way you want. You could convert that into light energy, or heat energy, or mechanical energy or..... Similarly, the Divine could be made use of for any purpose. It is up to you. It is up to you to give a name to the Divine, a form to the Divine, qualities to the Divine, and whatever kind of relationship you want with the Divine. It is all up to you. When the Divine takes a form either as light, or as a golden ball or a human form or any other form, we call that your personal Divine or your personal God. When it is unmanifest we use the word Paramatma or Divine. When it manifests, we use the word your personal Divine or God. It is up to you to choose whatever word you want. So, you have got to create your own God. And this God eventually would become physical and you could start living with this God. All that depends upon how you are going to design your God. It is all in your hands.
Q2. Dear Bhagavan for your mission of awakening humanity, we are very thankful to you, Bhagavan and Amma. Please explain to us what is Oneness with God, Bhagavan. This clarity will help us to guide people here Bhagavan and also to bring them to the university for the higher processes.
A2. Sri Bhagavan: Oneness with God means your God becoming physical and living with you in our own home and being your friend and helping you out in every way. And slowly, you become more like like your God. That is Oneness with God.
Q3. Dear Bhagavan, what would we do to overcome all the negative emotions flowing in our processes in life and why they so difficult to experience and what is the solution for them?
A3. Sri Bhagavan: The world is perfect as it is. There is nothing wrong with the world. If you say there is something wrong with the world, then you must know there is something wrong with you. Your brain mind complex is naming things. It is saying this is good, that is bad, this is right, that is wrong, this is perfect, this is imperfect. When you become simple in your heart, when you become very, very, very ordinary, then all things are perfect. Emotions come, emotions go, why should you call them negative? why should you resist them? why should you call them bad? It is all happening automatically. You have got to be a witness. That's all. When all things become very, very, very ordinary, you are awakened. All daydreaming stops.
When you drink a glass of water, you just drink that glass of water. No daydreaming. When you look at your husband or your wife, you just look. No daydreaming. If all daydreaming stops, you experience things as they are, then the world is heaven to you.
When we say heaven on earth, it does not mean the world changing. Its all about you changing. That is daydreaming stops and things as they are, are perfect.
When this happens to more and more people, the actual world also begins to change. That is not our concern. Our concern is all about changing ourselves.
Q4. Sri Bhagavan please guide us how to improve the social and economic situations in our countries.
A4. Sri Bhagavan: As your levels of consciousness goes up, people would come together as groups in trust and in friendship. Once that happens, the social and economic situations of your countries will automatically improve.
Q5. My beloved Bhagavan.Thank you for all the miracles in my life after I discovered you, (Gabriela's question). Beloved Bhagavan, we are getting information that you will be slowly retiring from the scene leaving everything in the hands of the Paramatma, and that the Paramatma is now connecting with the Oneness Guides and the Chamber's facilitators. Could you tell us more about this phenomenon? Is it true that the order of the dasas has been dissolved? What does it imply, Bhagavan? All of us would like to know Bhagavan, will you continue to give us the blessing to see you in the webcasts in the future and also get your blessing through the interactive sessions during courses at the Oneness University during 2015 onwards.
A5. Sri Bhagavan: Amma and Bhagavan are retiring this year and the Paramatma or the Divine is taking over. The Paramatma or the Divine would directly interact with the Oneness guides as and also with those who are conducting the sacred chambers. It could be direct between people and the Divine. We would not be coming in between you and the Divine. Now, the order is dissolved. The guides themselves decided that the order must be dissolved. Now that the Divine has taken over, the order felt that by their being there, this would become a new religion. They did not want this to become yet another organized religion. So they thought they must dissolve themselves. So there is no order now.
Q6. Dear Bhagavan, how to heal diseases like epilepsy or panic attacks? What do these diseases mean?
A6. Sri Bhagavan: These ailments actually refer to events which happened in past lives and the only way to find out what happened and to set it right is to talk with your Divine.
Q7. Dearest Bhagavan, on December 21st, 2012 we celebrated at the Oneness Temple the beginning of a new era. Many of us had the illusion that the problems and calamities around he world would reach an end. But we are still experiencing floods, fires and corruption around the world. When can we expect such things to end and what else can we do to help this cause, Bhagavan?
A7. Sri Bhagavan: These problems will stop once humanity is transformed. And the easiest way to transform yourself is to interact with your Divine in the sacred chambers and ask your Divine to transform you. Your Divine will transform you in no time. As more and more people get transformed, you will see all these problems and calamities slowly subsiding. Because we are the ones creating these problems. Our inner condition and our low levels of consciousness is what is creating all these problems. As we change inside and become a happy people, all these problems will slowly disappear.
Q8.Sri Bhagavan, please guide us why the Paramatma sometimes does not grant our wishes even though we have followed all the steps sincerely.
A8. Sri Bhagavan: If the Paramatma is not granting you your wishes it should mostly be for your own good or the Paramatma is deliberately taking some time to answer your prayers. You could however talk to your Paramatma and find out why your Paramatma is not answering the prayers, Your Paramatha will clearly give you the answers.
Q9. Sri Bhagavan, our heartfelt gratitude to you and Sri Amma for all the gifts we received in our awakening journey, Bhagavan. Please share with us your vision for Oneness University from 2015 onwards, Bhagavan.
A9. Sri Bhagavan: The Oneness University would be offering more advanced programs from the year 2015 to help you grow very, very fast and and also to make your Divine physical to you.
I love you all, I love you so much. Namasté.
Final transcript by Noni Kaufman with variety of drafts from many contributors.