Video Conferencia de Vikram Ji con Ecuador. 12 de Mayo del 2012
Q1: What is the Oneness Meditation? What is the difference between it and eye-deeksha? How are the Oneness meditators chosen, and who can be a Oneness meditator?
Vikramji: Oneness meditation is AmmaBhagavan Deeksha, a new Deeksha AmmaBhagavan have revealed for all of us and this important year 2012. Before we used to have eye-deeksha where Grace used to flow through your eyes. It is like touch-deeksha, smarana deeksha, intent deeksha and all that. But here it is eye-deeksha, the regular eye-deeksha, which we have stopped once we began the Oneness Meditation. Now the eye-deeksha we have is only in Oneness Meditation. Oneness Meditation is the eye-deeksha, a very special eye-deeksha; with a very special intent taken for the 2012 awakening process, and only a trainer can be a Oneness Meditator.
Among the trainers, I've got a list of all the trainers, and many other names, of all the trainers from different countries. All are given to the Oneness Beings, and they share it with the Divine, and the Divine reveals the name who is ready to be a Oneness Meditator in the present. So when the Oneness Beings together meditate regularly, the names of those oneness trainers are revealed to them, and they inform us and we inform the local trainers. It is a selection directly made by the Divine, and without any human intervention.
**June 5 clarification: Vikram has now clarified the significance of the Oneness Meditation.
Vikramji: The Oneness Meditation is a special blessing Amma Bhagavan have revealed to us for 2012 to accelerate our Awakening process, to get disconnected from the mind.
Oneness Meditation is a new powerful meditation where Divine Energies are transmitted to help awaken the spiritual energies within you. This very sacred Blessing offers you the opportunity to free the mind effortlessly and wake up to the magic and beauty of life. Flowing through the eyes of the Oneness Meditator, Oneness Meditation creates a neurobiological shift that naturally accelerates the Awakening process.
Q2: How to practice the "notebook sadhana?" What is it really for?
Vikramji: Bhagavan, over the past few months, has been telling us to maintain a notebook of prayer, a prayer notebook. The Divine has answered hundreds of our prayers, but we forget all that and we don't convey gratitude, and we move forward in our life forgetting all that. So a lot of us do not recognize the Divine and we lack gratitude.
So this prayer book, notebook, is to improve your connection with the Divine and realize how much of grace you are receiving in your life. So whenever you have a desire or when you are suffering from a particular problem, take your prayer notebook and write in it that: I want this in my life, that I want this problem, that - I want to become free of this problem. Write your prayer and also put the date and time of the prayer.
After that, you see how long how it is taking for the desire to be fulfilled. You wait for a week or ten days and see how quickly you receive grace. You can convey to Bhagavan, that "Bhagavan, I want this problem to be solved in seven days, in ten days or in an hour's time." You can present to Bhagavan depending on the intensity of the problem.
Let us say you are asking for prosperity. After praying for prosperity, after a week, after a few days, you are observe how things are changing. Bhagavan says for you to receive prosperity, your relationship with your father must be alright. So the next step is you put a second prayer, you put a new prayer: heal my relationship with my father, and you start working for that. And then you watch for a few days, for a week or ten days, and then you see whether the problem is solved or not, and then you go to the next step.
In the third step, even if your desire is not fulfilled in the second step after completing the second step, you move on to seeking forgiveness from your ancestors and seeking their blessings. Fourth step you see the perceptions you have about money, about life, about Divine. What are your thoughts about money, about prosperity, and all that; you have to start working on that. You may think that a person who is having too much money is a bad person and because of that you are moving away from that unconsciously. See what is going on within you and stay with that. Continue like this until the problem gets solved or dissolved, and then once your desire is fulfilled, once you receive that prosperity, whatever you're seeking - let us say it is a business deal or particular loan on a property you are expecting - once it is fulfilled you express gratitude, and you write the date when your desire is fulfilled or your problem is solved.
You can have many prayers at a time; today one prayer, tomorrow one prayer - like that. Or go one desire at a time, and then you move onto the next; it is up to you. The goal of this notebook sadhana is to fulfill your desire and solve your problems. The third is to strengthen your bond with the Divine so that you develop more and more trust on your Divine.
Q3: I know it has been asked several times and with Bhagavan and guides, coordinators and givers have answered this a few times, but I still can't manage to have a deep relationship with my personal God, my Divine presence. I am afraid that this is the reason that lots of plans in my life haven't been fulfilled yet or that this is the reason I don't know if my vision is suitable for me. I feel that sometimes that the relationship between the Divine and me depends only on me. What practical and functional things can I do to be able to deepen my relationship with the Divine, heal my charges and become prosperous?
Vikramji: First, you have to realize that Bhagavan, your God, loves you. [You may substitute whoever you refer to as the Divine.] That He is always ready to help you, ready to reach out to you. But what is blocking Divine Grace in your life is the charges, the negative charges that you have. It is important that you work on your charges and that you become free of your charges to progress spiritually to strengthen your bond with your Divine. So for that Bhagavan suggests that you work on yourself, work on your inner integrity and confront the truth about yourself, your ugliness. Become aware of how you are not able to receive grace in your life because of your own charges, because of your own problems, your perceptions about God.
So what you must realize is you are blocking Divine Grace because of your charges, because you are not confronting your truth. Bhagavan has given lots of teachings to confront suffering and to work on yourself. When you are practicing inner integrity you are in touch with the core of yourself and you are very close to the Divine inside.
The second thing is work on your relationship with your parents - even if they are alive or if they have passed away to the higher realm - visualize them and falling at their feet. Seek their blessings. So practice inner integrity, confront your suffering, seek your parents' blessings, and ask the Divine to help you in this journey of self discovery, of realizing what you are at your core. And as you discover yourself, automatically your bond with the Divine becomes strong.
So every time you confront suffering, you practice inner integrity, seek your parents' blessing, ask the Divine to journey along with you, give you courage and strength to stay with the pain, and then you get liberated. Again you are ready for the next journey. This goes on and on until you completely dissolve.
Q4: I understand that everyone should have a balance in life, family, love, money, work, spirituality - what happens if one of these elements is missing? How to work on them?
Vikramji: AmmaBhagavan always say that materialistic life and the spiritual life are like two tracks, and you have to travel in both these tracks. And the person whose self is fulfilled that is his desires are fulfilled, his problems are solved, materialistically he is successful, quickly leads to awakening. A person whose self is fulfilled - that is his desires are fulfilled, his problems are solved, materialistically he's successful - quickly progresses into awakening. And if you find something is missing, that is definitely coming from your unconscious, from your past, from your childhood. Disturbed experiences have blocked that aspect in your life. That you have to open through Divine Grace.
So if some aspect in your life is missing, a materialistic aspect, that is coming from your unconscious. Let us say that you are not having prosperity or you are having a health problem. This is definitely coming from your childhood decision, coming from an unpleasant experience. Now, not having that quality is creating frustration, is creating disturbance. Stay with that disturbance, that is the first step, that is creating anger, that is creating rage, that is creating a disturbance - stay with the disturbance that is the first step. Remember that the disturbance is coming from your internal world.
Stay with the disturbance so that you connect with your inner world. As you go on into the inner world step by step, then get you what are your perceptions about money, why are you losing money, why people are moving away from you, you are not getting opportunities. If you go on staying with it, you go on to the origin of the problem.
Sometimes it could be coming from your past life, or from your womb experience, or the time of delivery; it could be one of these things. Your decisions about money as a child, your perceptions about rich people as though they are bad people, it spoils you, money is not good, all of that. The reason why you hate rich people and money, you have to focus on that.
In the process, AmmaBhagavan shows you the particular event where it started out as a problem, that unpleasant experience. And if you stay with the experience, the past experience is not complete, at this time with the grace of AmmaBhagavan you will complete the experience, and because of that you will dissolve the charge that gave the experience, and you realize that it has become a pattern in your life: that money moves away from you or you're having a health problem because you're seeking love, you want others to pay attention to you. You continue to stay in depression because that gives you a false attention, a false love from others.
As you get in touch with the core experience, re-experience that whole experience, and dissolve the charge you become free. You move into joy and peace. Once you handle a particular situation, a particular emotion, then it becomes easier to handle the next emotion; you are ready and you know how to go about it. It brings about a change in your perception, a shift in your perception, and fills you with gratitude, gratitude towards God, towards life, towards people around you, towards parents. You start trusting life; you start having faith in the Divine, and you will receive more grace the next time you confront some other emotion. You are ready to confront another emotion because you are happy and you are free from the past emotion.
Q5: What is the importance of the 21st of December, 2012. What would happen in this coming year? Is there a way to be prepared in the Oneness community?
Vikramji: In this year everything depends how things flow through grace. In India the courses will continue, and it is important that we maintain the 70.000 awakened beings. Seventy thousand is the minimum; we can have any number. To be part of the Oneness community, you have to be a spiritual seeker who is working on his awakening, progressing towards awakening. To affect the whole human collective consciousness of seven billion people or more, we need more than 70.000 awakened beings to continue to be in that state of awakening, a permanent state. The processes will continue. Even after you become awakened, we will continue to help you. The Oneness University and the Oneness Community will continue its journey; continue to help people who will step up their states, to move to higher levels...focus on this year, focus on your awakening and everything else will automatically flow.
So now we will move into a prayer. Sit in a meditative posture. Join your palms near your heart. AmmaBhagavan have been saying that now 30.000 beings are awakened. We need another 40.000 and focus that you must be part of that next 40.000 awakened beings, that you must continue on this journey of self-discovery and discover that you are God, you are AmmaBhagavan. Pray for this that you must become awakened and that you must become one with your AmmaBhagavan. Pray and seek AmmaBhagavan's blessing for this intent.