Live-Video-Conference with Sri Bhagavan on Dec 9, 2012
in Germany (with Hannover, Schweinfurt, Düsseldorf, Munich)
Gratitude to Petra & Eckart Schulz for divine timing in sending along the transcript and link and to Fay Beckmann and Janna Junclaus for writing the transcript. Before the darshan begins, there is an introduction telling Sri Bhagavan about the 40 awakened people in Germany verified by Oneness University and the number of people participating in the darshan from the 4 cities.
Q1:Beloved Sri Bhagavan, we know that awakening is a neurobiological process in the brain. What about God realization? Is it a comparable process to awakening? What happens when we become God realized? Thank you, Bhagavan.
Sri Bhagavan: God-realization too is similar to awakening where the brain is concerned. But certain other parts of the brain are involved. It has a lot to do with the frontal lobes of the brain. The frontal lobes, when activated, act as an antenna to God. When they are activated you actually see and you could talk to God. Of course, the God that you would meet would depend on your conditioning. A Christian would see his Christian God, a Moslem would see his Islamic God and a Hindu would see his Hindu God.
Q2:Dear Bhagavan, you say that we should take Deeksha from Awakened persons, because their brain will connect with our brain and that will affect our own process of awakening in a positive way. What happens, when the brains connect? Why is it so? Can you please explain this phenomenon Bhagavan? Thank you, Bhagavan!
Sri Bhagavan: We have noticed that when an awakened person gives Deeksha to an unawakened person, the brain of the unawakened person tries to behave similar to the brain of an Awakened person. It is somewhat similar like, for example, if you were to take a piece of magnet and rub it on a piece of iron, the iron slowly becomes a magnet. Very similarly, the brain of the unawakened person begins to function like the one with the awakened brain.
Q3:Dear Bhagavan, one of your daily messages was: "When you are integral, you will not react but you will respond". Can you please explain the difference between reacting and responding? Thank you, Bhagavan.
Sri Bhagavan: When you have images of a person or a place you tend to react. When you can function without the images, like an awakened person does, then there is only response. However, we would not recommend you to practise this teaching very deeply, but to wait for your awakening.
Q4:Dear Bhagavan, many of us have physical problems, pain and diseases. Will all diseases be healed when we are awakened, Bhagavan?
Sri Bhagavan: Some diseases and some problems would be solved when you become awakened. Not all.
Q5:One of your teachings says: "What you see outside is only a reflection of your relationship with yourself". Jesus died at the cross. A man in perfect Oneness with God has a huge reflection of pain and conflict in his life. Why?
Sri Bhagavan: Jesus died on the cross not because there was any conflict but because he chose to die on the cross.
Q6:Sometimes my inner state is: "Your will may be done." But sometimes I remember your words that it is important to have a strong vision in life. What is the best inner attitude? Having a strong vision and work for that - or trust that everything is happening the right way?
Sri Bhagavan: When you are not awakened you MUST have a vision. When you are awakened you will naturally flow with the current.
Q7:Since hundred thousand - or even millions - of years, we have been waiting for 21st December 2012. Now I am waiting for your divine advice what to do to use the energies of this day in the best way - to take the step into the new Yuga as powerfully as possible. Maybe you could give a special ritual for that day? Or is it not so very important as I always thought?
Sri Bhagavan: Any form of ritual of your choice done on that day would have a special effect on you.
Q8:Is it still important to give all our effort to bring the global process forward? Or is it already going automatically?
Sri Bhagavan: Both things are happening. For example, what we have done in India is we have taken up some villages and we have been there and we have tried to awaken people. As we worked there some people got awakened. There are others who we do not deal with and they too will be awakened. In villages where we do not go and work, nothing happens. So only if we keep working, the spontaneous awakening happens. If we stop working, the spontaneous awakening also stops. So it is important that we keep working until the last human being has made it. If we stop and sit quiet, everything will come to a standstill.
Q9:Dear Bhagavan, I have heard that the Deepening Process is very intensive. How can I grow and become awakened if I do not have enough money to come to India? What can I do? Thank you Bhagavan.
Sri Bhagavan: All that you must do is keep attending Oneness Meditations attended by awakened people. You are sure to awaken in Germany itself.
Q10:Dear Bhagavan, I read several spiritual books in which it is said that we create our future through our thoughts and emotions that we choose or attract the things that we expect and imagine. So we should use our mind as a divine creator. But in your teachings I often get the impression, that the mind is some kind of enemy that we should get rid of. How do these two insights match together? Or am I mistaken?
Sri Bhagavan: The first teaching is relevant for unawakened people. The second teaching is relevant for awakened people.
Q11:Is it possible that an awakened person can lose his state, for example, because of "bad habits"?
Sri Bhagavan: In some cases people do lose their awakening but it could also be got back very easily.
Q12:Dear Bhagavan, what is a "shift"? This word is used very often in context with awakening. What happens within that person? Thank you.
Sri Bhagavan: A shift involves a change in perception. Example: if you do not love your wife when a shift occurs, you start loving her. Just in a moment you start loving her. A change of perception. That's what a shift means.
Q13:Beloved Bhagavan, the mind keeps us trapped in suffering and does not give any space for gratitude, humility and devotion. This experience makes me very sad and hopeless. It feels like a new imprisonment. My heart is weeping.
What can we do in our unawakened state, to get our permanent awakening?
Thank you, Bhagavan!
Sri Bhagavan: The unawakened person can do only one thing. That is stay with "The What Is". There is nothing else you can do. The staying with "The What Is" is the process for the unawakened.
Q14:At the beautiful Skype-Darshan with Germany in 2011 You said: "Because of things that will happen, about which I cannot talk now, but Germany will take over a leading role in Oneness."
Already many years ago I had the vision that the world will change rapidly after 2012. My questions are, Bhagavan: What will happen the next few year(s) in Germany? How will the process be for humanity?
Sri Bhagavan: Wait and watch (laughing...). You too will be awakened.