Sri Bhagavan Darshan with Hungary -
23 June, 2012
Q1: I continuously feel that to be Awakened would be a wonderful thing but it would rather happen with somebody else but not with me. This is how I feel. Why is it so, Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: This is the fear most people have. It is essentially the fear of losing the known. As the process intensifies you would naturally overcome this fear.
Q2: Dear Bhagavan, how can I overcome my negative thought patterns? I always sit down with my charges, experience them but they just come and come continuously. I feel failure and it's getting more and more difficult to connect to higher consciousness. I ask from the Divine that I want to let go of these negative patterns, but I feel something catches me, lower consciousness. What shall I do Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: The Oneness Phenomenon has come to a point where it is very, very easy and effortless to acquire the Presence. Once you have acquired the Presence you must pray to the Presence to stop your mind. Once the mind stops the teaching automatically becomes real. Suppose we tell you, the teaching tells you to accept some situation or somebody but you are not able to do it, you must move into the Presence and ask the Presence to stop your mind. Once the mind is stopped, acceptance automatically happens. Oneness teachings are not practiced. Oneness teachings must automatically happen to you, and for that to happen you must have the Presence, and you must ask the Presence, request the Presence or pray to the Presence to stop your mind. Once your mind is stopped all things happen naturally. Thousands of people across the world have moved into this state.
Q3: Dear Bhagavan, you say that we have to embrace with love that part which we want to integrate. I am not sure I know how to do it. For example I am envious. I become aware of it and do not reject it or judge it but it does not disappear. What to do Bhagavan, and how to do inner integrity more efficiently and how can I strengthen inner integrity, Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: The same answer as the previous question. Move into the Presence. Ask the Presence to stop your mind, and once the mind has stopped whatever teaching you want to happen would happen. That is how all Oneness teachings become reality. The Presence has to make them happen. You cannot make them happen.
Q4: Dear Bhagavan, please share with us the present state of the vision. How is the process of Awakening going on and would you please share what is happening in India and worldwide now?
Bhagavan: Every month through our website we would inform you of the current situation. As on 21st June 2012 the situation is this, Global Awakening as on 21st June 2012 is: 1) over 40,000 people are Awakened, 2) over 80,000 people are living in the Presence, 3)over 32,000,000 people are in Awakened states; over 72,000,000 are experiencing the Presence. So the Awakening is moving very, very fast. It is becoming easier by the day. Anyone who has the Presence can effortlessly transfer it to anybody else. Either through touch or through the eyes or through intent.
Q5: Dear Bhagavan, what is the best way to participate in Oneness Meditation? How can we get the most from a Oneness Meditation and what is the importance of a Oneness Meditation?
Bhagavan: You must be very clear about your intent. The intent could be for health, wealth, relationship or liberation. It could be anything. You must be focused on that, and during the Oneness Meditation you must pray to the Divine to grant you what you want. If intent and prayer are properly matched, things would definitely happen.
Q6: Bhagavan, how can we best help the vision of Oneness in the second half of this year? How should we imagine the change of paradigm at the end of 2012 and afterwards? What is going to stay from the old and what new is going to come? What is going to disappear Bhagavan, and in the financial systems, money and banking etc.?
Bhagavan: Your role must be to move into the Presence as often as possible. You must try to put as many people as possible in the Presence. We cannot say what would die and what would take birth. But change would definitely happen in all spheres of human activity and we would be moving towards the Golden Age.
Q7: Beloved Bhagavan, in your message from the Day of Relationships you and Amma speak about transfer of Presence. Can you tell us something more about this, Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: Your role as Trainers and Deeksha Givers is to give the Presence to others, and those who have got the Presence, though they may not be Trainers or Deeksha Givers, they too could transfer the Presence to others. That is how the Presence would spread very fast across the planet and would become very, very powerful. As the Presence spreads and becomes stronger we enter the Golden Age and we become one humanity.
Q8: Dear Bhagavan, could you please share with us the difference between the Oneness Meditation and the Deepening process that is happening in India?
Bhagavan: Oneness Meditation is not a substitute for Oneness Deepening. Oneness Meditation is a small part of Oneness Deepening. Oneness Deepening is to produce people who are like lighthouses on the planet. They would be centers around which transformation would be happening.
Q9: Dear Bhagavan, recently we have been hearing you speak about shutting down of the mind. Could you please tell us what it means, Bhagavan?
Bhagavan: We generally start things first in India and then spread it across the world. In India now thousands of people have moved into a state where anytime, effortlessly they could shut down their minds. It is now beginning to spread across the world. Once you are able to do this, everything is possible and you will get there very soon. All your problems are because of the mind. Once the mind is shut down, you are free of your problems.
Thank you so much, Bhagavan. Can we meditate now?
Bhagavan: Yes, we shall now meditate for a few minutes.
Transcript and English subtitles: Krisztina Petrics-Nyitray