Sri Bhagavan – Skype Darshan with India,
Coorg, Mysore, Mandya, Karwar and Mangalore – Nov 18th 2012
Q1:Bhagavan, many of our devotees have a question from the benediction of teachings that you and Amma have given on the awakened one/unawakened one from the webcast Darshan. One of these says: "The awakened one makes use of his conditioning whereas the unawakened one is made use of by his conditioning”. What does this mean, Bhagavan?
A1 – Sri Bhagavan:Yes! In the case of both the awakened and the unawakened, the mind will be there. In the awakened one, say if he has to do some engineering work. He will have some engineering knowledge which he will make use of to do that work.
However the unawakened one, is constantly made use of by knowledge. That is why you can observe them talk incessantly, they cannot stay silent - because they are made use of by the knowledge.
Q2:Thank you, Bhagavan. Another webcast teaching that our devotees have a question on is:
"The awakened one responds from the heart whereas the unawakened one reacts from the head".
A2 – Sri Bhagavan:See, for example, when an awakened person sees an old beggar on the road, on some days he may feel moved and help. On other days, he may say "all is fine" and do nothing. In either case there is no thinking involved. He does not think about it!!!
On the other hand, it IS possible to think about it! The unawakened one may think "he's lazy", "he is being punished by god", "it is his karma" etc!!
But when you are awakened, there is no thinking involved. Only the awakened know what that is like!!!
However, till you are awakened, all actions are from the head/intellect.
Q3:Bhagavan, we have heard you speak about the 100 steps/levels of awakenening. Could you please explain what they are?
A3 – Sri Bhagavan: There are 100 levels of awakening.
Awakening is like a 100 storey building. Whether you are on the first floor or on the 100th floor, you are awakened!!!
However there are differences in them. On level 69, for example, your mind will be there with all its contents but you will not be moved by it.
However, from level 70 onwards, the mind itself is not there. Till level 69, we call you awakened, Level 70 onwards, we call you enlightened!!
There are differences between levels too - for example, for an enlightened person looking at a tree at level 22 looking at a tree the leaves would be a more intense green than one looking at it from level 21...
Only when you reach there, you will know that.As you keep attending the processes, and helping others in awakening, you would grow from level to level!!!
Q4:Many of our Sevaks here are unawakened. They have a question as to what it is that is preventing them from getting awakened, and also whether there is anything specific that they need to do in order to make it?
A4 – Sri Bhagavan:Don't worry.
By the end of 2012, 95% of oneness followers will be awakened. The remaining 5% will make it by the April 2013. Help others in their awakening, then you would grow very fast.
Q5:Many of our devotees have a question - what will happen on Dec 21st, 2012?
A5 – Sri Bhagavan:(Bhagavan smiles)
Nothing will happen. It will be a normal day. If you read the newspaper in the morning, or go for a walk, or have coffee, you would do that...!!!
(Crowd laughs)