BHAGAVAN WEBCAST Italy, Florence. October 24th 2012
Sri Bhagavan Darshan with Italy - October 24, 2012
Q1. Dear Bhagavan, I love you deeply. My life is full of miracles. I see them happening daily and I'm grateful. However, there is still a side of me that is not allowing me to have financial independence. Please help me understand what I need to work on to sort this out. Please could you help me, Bhagavan. With love and gratitude.
A1 – Bhagavan: You do not need to work on anything special. You are going to be awakened soon and along with that, your financial problem also will be solved.
Q2.Namaste Bhagavan, Europe and the whole world are living a period of great transformation/shift. All corruptions are popping up and the economic crisis is invading all countries. It looks like there is no will to understand that the only way is cooperation and solidarity between all peoples. In spite of this, all those who are following your teachings are living as if they are protected from these waves, thanks to your help and protection. Will the birth of the Golden Age, set to begin at the end of 2012, include dramatic changes, such as natural disasters, incurable diseases and three days of darkness, or will there instead be a gradual improvement of consciousness? I ask for Grace: the awakening of all us and of our country. Thank you for everything you are doing. With immense gratitude and devotion.
A2 – Bhagavan: The change would be gradual and slow in the beginning, but would soon become very, very fast.
Q3.The aim of Freemasonry is to achieve perfection in man through its esotericism, symbolism and rituals. Masonry works for the wellbeing and progress of mankind and for the glory of the Great Architect of the universe. My question is this: are the masonic initiation and affiliation compatible in their method, means and aims with Oneness and Deeksha? Thank you.
A3 – Bhagavan: Both are totally compatible.
Q4.I'm in a state of great mental stress. My mind is really compulsive. I have difficulty in focusing and remembering, great suffering, a loop of negativity, disappointment and paranoia. We can also add some jealousy for those who get awakened, even if when seeing their joy, I then feel a bit of it. I feel lost. How can I get out of this situation? I've already done a lot in these last years to help myself, but now I feel my great helplessness and a great refusal to do any mind conditioning techniques. I'm also a trainer. How can I carry out my trainer role if I am in this state? Please Bhagavan help me. I love You. Thank you.
A4 – Bhagavan: Two months ago my answer would have been different. Now, I have only one answer: for all problems, the only solution is awakening and all of you are going to be awakened very, very soon.
Q5.Dear Bhagavan, would you please explain what it means to go into the Presence? When I came back from a four week Deepening course in India my relationship with my Divine was very intense and strong. I lived in the state of Grace for a long period. After about a year this relationship ended and I miss it. What can I do to get it back?
A5 – Bhagavan: You have to learn the art of inviting the Divine Presence into you.
Q6.Dear beloved Bhagavan, Italy has always been the cradle of Catholicism and is the Holy See of the Papacy. Throughout history it has greatly influenced the culture of the country and it has also been a strong secular power. This has caused a powerful imprint on our national consciousness and but also difficulty in getting close to our own real spirituality. Personally, I have felt this strong religious conditioning when I get closer to the Divine, as do others. Can you help us getting rid of it, Bhagavan?
A6 – Bhagavan: In Italy the transformation will be dramatic and fast. You're going to witness that.
Q7. Amma and Bhagavan, we all are so grateful for all the awakening happening around us. Awakened people are so close to us. Is the Oneness mission going to have any kind of change or adjustment, Bhagavan, because now we have reached the critical mass of awakened people. Thank you.
A7 – Bhagavan: We have reached the critical mass and it's going to happen very, very, very fast.
Q8.Deeksha is very powerful in our events. The Oneness Meditations happen every day, live or via web. Awakened people are around us and are easily accessible. Do you think that the motivation of coming to the courses in India would be affected by that, in terms of less motivation, Bhagavan? Thank you, Bhagavan.
A8 – Bhagavan: No it won't be affected because you would move into higher states and God Realization.
Q9.Thank you so much for what you are doing for us. I was at the trainers last course in September and it changed my life. Bhagavan, what does it mean "to not yet be ready for permanent awakening" even though a person experiences the Presence, is having awakened states and living beautiful moments of the heart flowering? Would you please explain this? I feel different than before, but I realize I am not yet awakened. My mind is still very present and I am having a terrible time not being able to let go. I prayed so much to be helped with this, dear Bhagavan. How can I let go and let you take over? Thank you so much for any help with this. If I am not awakened by the end of 2012, is it still possible for me to become awakened in the New Year? Thank you, Bhagavan.
A9 – Bhagavan: Everyone on the planet is ready for awakening now. There is no question of anybody wanting to be awakened and not getting awakened.
Q10.Until around a year ago I suffered a lot because I felt there was the possibility of another way of living, being and acting differently from the usual one, but I didn't know what to do and how. Then there was a push given by that desire for a path towards purification, differentiation and discrimination of energies, until this present manifestation that is to maintain steady and integral the heart vibration, in spite of whatever event that comes up. Keeping that vibration maintains and increases unconditional joy. There is a response and not a reaction to the triggers. However, if the old way of being happens to come up, it is dreadful, but goes away immediately. I don't have any desire to return to the old way, because the new way is the "natural" one. Is this the beginning of the expression of love, or what is it? Thank you. Infinite gratitude and devotion.
A10 – Bhagavan: Yes, it is.
Q11. Dear Bhagavan, I want to thank you because your vision is being realized and is becoming our most beautiful reality and I'm so grateful. Would you please tell us how much our awakening is going to influence the people we love, even if they are not into Deeksha? Can it happen to them in a short time as well, or will they have to wait for a long transformation?
A11 – Bhagavan: What we are noticing in India is, if in a family one person gets awakened, the others get awakened within a month or so. I think the same thing would happen in Italy, too.
Q12.When one is fully awakened, is the ego totally dissolved or is a part of it still there?
A12 – Bhagavan: When you are awakened, your brain undergoes a transformation. Thereafter, the brain finds it increasingly difficult to generate the ego. Therefore, the ego gradually disappears.
Q13.Many nights it happens that I dream of conflicts, wars, clashes between military forces and civilians, and other destructive forms such as atomic explosions. Sometimes the next day I read news in the newspaper of what I have dreamt. So, I understand that the conflict experience I lived in my dream is not my personal "charge," but that in my dream I took part in a conflict of our collective consciousness. During the dream it is easier to experience suffering because the ego defenses are inactive. For a part of the next day or even more, I still totally experience the suffering. You taught me that my expanded self is humanity and that the whole world is family. You taught me how to use grace and deeksha, inner integrity, the art of listening, etc. to get rid of my personal charges. How can I facilitate the resolution of the conflicts of the collective consciousness I experience? How can do this on my own or in a group? Thank you for being with us today. Please awaken the greatest number of people possible in Italy.
A13 – Bhagavan: You can help with your Deekshas. As more and more people become awakened, we could effortlessly handle these problems.
Q14.Beloved Sri Bhagavan, I am very happy that so many people are getting awakened. I would like you to help me understand how those of us who are not yet awakened can benefit from the new state of consciousness of the awakened ones. Thank you.
A14 – Bhagavan: When you receive Deeksha from the awakened ones, you would easily become awakened.
Q15.I'm living random experiences of the Presence and I'm living also the awakening states. I'm losing my wits and can't understand anything anymore. Can you help me, Bhagavan? I know the mind cannot understand. Well, in short, do whatever it takes. Give me a kick, but please let me land somewhere. Thank You.
A15 – Bhagavan: You are going to be awakened very, very soon.
Q16.Dear Bhagavan, these days we are sending you a description of our state, and you answer if we are awakened or not. How does this all work? Many people are asking this question.
A16 – Bhagavan: There are specially trained Dasas who go into higher states of consciousness where they connect to the Divine and give the answers from the Divine.
Q17. I thank you with all my heart. You bestowed on me the real breath and for this I will be grateful all my life. Many people are writing to me and speaking to me, asking for help. There are many who are going through a difficult time. Their suffering is different than before. Now they are suffering for no reason. They feel really bad. Can you say something to help them? Thank you.
A17 – Bhagavan: They are actually getting ready for awakening. Awakening would soon happen to them.
Q18.Dear Sri AmmaBhagavan, it is clear to us that the growth is not only the growth of the mind. Can you tell us what is spiritual growth? Is it happening due to an intent or does it happen anyway?
A18 – Bhagavan: It is all happening because of Divine intent.
Q19.Dear Bhagavan, Thank you for all the work that you are doing and the vision of a collective awakening. I'm wondering how it is that going into states of higher awareness and connection can make the Oneness Beings fragile and in need of support? In my vision awareness and the increase of perception would make one grounded. Can you please clarify this for me? Thank you very much.
A19 – Bhagavan: Awakened people are fully grounded people. They need help only when they move into very high awakened states.
Love you all so much.
We will move into a three minute meditation which would help you to get awakened very fast.
Love you all.
May you all be awakened very, very soon.