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July-Sept 2013 Webcast Teachings

Sept 29- 5 Oct

"The Awakened one has natural values

The unawakened one cultivates values"

Sept 22 - Sept 28

"The Awakened One follows the divine will.

The unawakened one follows his own will."

 Sept 15-Sept 21

"The Awakened one has no views

The unawakened one is full of views"

Sept 8-Sept 14

"The Awakened one acts

The unawakened one reacts".

Sept 1- 7 Sept

"The Awakened one knows no self pity

The unawakened one wallows in self pity"

Aug 25 to Aug 31

"The Awakened one is a friend of one's self

The unawakened one is one's öwn enemy"

Aug 18th to Aug 24

"The Awakened one is non judgemental

The unawakened one is judgemental"

Aug 11 to Aug 17

"The Awakened one lives the teachings

The unawakened one tries to understand the teachings"

Aug 4 to Aug 10

"The Awakened one sees the observer and observed as one

The unawakened one sees the observer and observed as different"

July 28 to Aug 3

"The Awakened one has no inner dialogue

The unwakened one gets involved with the inner dialogue"

July 21st to July 27th

"The Awakened one stays with the 'what is.'

The unawakened one tries to stay with the 'what is.' "

July 14th to July 20th

"The Awakened one knows no resistance.

The unawakened one is full of resistance"

July 7th to July 13th 

"The Awakened One makes use of knowledge.

The unawakened one is made use of by knowledge."

June 30th to July 6th

"The Awakened One is concerned about others.

The unawakened one is concerned about oneself."