28 Dec to 3 Jan
"The Awakened one is affected but is not disturbed
The unawakened one is not affected but disturbed"
22 Dec to 27th Dec
"The Awakened one does not take a position
The unawakened one takes a position"
15 Dec to 21 Dec
"The Awakened one is secure and makes everyone secure
The unawakend one is unsecure and makes everyone unsecure"
7th Dec to 14th Dec
"The Awakened One does not judge, and hence has love
The unawakened one judges, and hence has no love"
1 Dec to 6th Dec
"The Awakened one responds from the present
The unawakened one reacts from the past"
24 Nov to 30 Nov
"The Awakened one stays with the what is without effort.
The unawakened one tries to stay with the what is"
17th Nov to 23rd Nov
"The Awakened one is free of all views
The unawakened one is full of views"
10th Nov to 16th Nov
"The Awakened one does not have fundamental questions
The unawakened one has fundamental questions"
3 Nov to 9th Nov
"The Awakened one listens
The unawakened one hears"
28th October to 2 Nov
"The Awakened one is what one is.
The unawakend one tries to be what one is"
20 October to 27th October
"The Awakened ones sees grace everywhere.
The unawakened one searches for grace"
13 October to 19th October
"The Awakened ones sees the world as family.
The unawakened ones sees the world as separate individuals"
6 October to 12 October
"The Awakened one experiences no division as the inner and the outer.
The unawkened one experiences a division as the inner and the outer"