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Other Sacred Chamber Experiences

Excerpts of real life written experiences as reported by some participants

Participants reported written and verbal real life experiences as below from all the Chambers

-  Deep release of emotions in chamber 1

 - Deep contempations in Chamber 1

 - Healing and release of long term abandonment issues which I had been carrying

 - Body lighter, feel happier and excited

-  Removal of deep rooted charges

-  Divines eyes moving

-  Bhagavan changing forms

-  Jesus in Chamber 3 changing forms too

-  Removal of deep rooted fear in Chamber 2

-  Big shift in brain, mind completely silent and body calm relaxed

-  Perceptions shifted feel total declutement from everything

-  Experiencing life as it is in the present moment currently

-  Removal of negative karma stored in the neck region literally in Chamber 2

-  Very strong energies in the chambers

-   Felt hand of divine holding me in chamber 3

-   Divine very live and physical for me in the chambers 3

-   Deep stillness everywhere in all three chambers

-   Divine gave me insight and guidance regarding a karmic block and pattern in Chamber 2

-   Whole being in silence and stillness

-   Feel very peaceful and content

-   No body aches and pain all appears to be gone feel totally relaxed  and painless

-   Special prayer request answered in the program

-   Padukas emited very strong energies and were stuck to my hand like magnets

-   Padukas moving everywhere in the altar and nearly jumped out of the altar