Seeker: Amma, I am very passionate to get a very high state of conscious-ness. I am sick and tired of these negative thoughts that haunt me in my present state.
Amma: A higher state is not necessarily devoid of negative thoughts. What you call as negative is part of existence. No amount of sadhanas* is powerful enough to stop this flow of negativity in the mind. Since the human body, mind and the entire system is designed for survival; fear is part of human existence. Ultimately all negativity only arises form fear.
Seeker: Amma, does it mean that even an awakened person will have negativity and fear also?
Amma: The awakened also have negative thoughts. While you get entangled in them, they do not. There is no ´person` possessing them. Hence negative thoughts are enormously reduced in an awakened being.
Seeker: How about fear Amma?
Amma: He too would have fear occasionally. Unlike you, his fear is more biological. He too has to survive physically amidst you; hence the physical fear. There is however no psychological fear.