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Sri Amma on stress

A student of medicine: I am stressed out.
Everyone seems to mount pressure on me,
my professors, parents and my fellow
students to mention a few. I want to lead a
stress free life. Help me.

Amma: Can there be life without stress?
Creation itself is possible only through
pressure. If pressure does not buildup in the
ocean, would there be cyclones and rains?
Without pressure in the womb no child could
be born. Observe and you will find pressure
everywhere. Every footstep you take needs
pressure. The digestive system is under
pressure to process the food you eat. The
brain needs to exert pressure to generate a
breakthrough in thought. If you would realize
that pressure is part of existence, you would
accept life as it is. However, if this stress is
beyond endurance you could pray to Me. I
will help you.



From the book “Amma – The Divine Mother”