Skype Darshan with Sri Bhagavan and Switzerland, Meilen – October 27th 2012
On October 27th, 2012 we had Sri Bhagavan's Darshan for Switzerland in Meilen near Zurich after a day with three Oneness Meditations with Peter Baelde and wonderful sharing with 10 awakened persons about their experiences (8 awakened persons from Switzerland, 1 awakened person as participant and guest from Austria and also 1 awakened person as participant and guest from Germany). Currently there are 10 awakened persons in Switzerland, confirmed by the Oneness University.
Sri Bhagavan: Namaste ~ Namaste ~ Love you all ~ Love you ~ Namaste.
Hello Bhagavan! Welcome to Switzerland – the land of chocolate and snow, and golden watches! Today we are more than 200 people gathered together to do a full day of deekshas and Oneness Meditations and you are the crown – the golden crown of this day.
A gratitude letter to Sri Bhagavan from an awakened person: (read by Tejasaji)
Dearest Sri Bhagavan
My entire life I had been wasting my energy in craving for love and struggling with my charges. I was sure that I was meant to be lonely and that awakening was only for others.
During the deepening process in August/September I kept praying for a whole list of changes I wanted in my life. One of the prayers was that I may awaken during the time of the course. But even though I prayed for all these things, deep inside I never really believed I was going to get them.
And then on the last day of the course during the very last Deeksha I got awakened. And I realize now that with that, every single prayer on my list has been answered. I have got everything. I have got the greatest gift ever, and it is impossible to express the gratitude I feel towards you and Amma for this. I can now see that you have always been right by my side, every single minute of my life.
From the very bottom of my heart, thank you for all you have given me. Thank you for showing me the truth over and over again until I was finally able to see it. Thank you for all the love you are showing me. Thank you so much for always, always being there. Thank you so much.
Please have a look into my heart so you can know how much I love you.
I give my entire life into your hands. I love you so so much.
Manuela (Switzerland)
Q1. Dear Father. How can I serve you best?
A1. Sri Bhagavan:When you become awakened you serve me best by helping others to get awakened.
Q2. Bhagvan, what is the most powerful way for an awakened person to induce the awakened state in others, is it hands on deeksha? Is enlightenment the end of the scale of awakening? Is it correct, that spiritual growth always goes on, also when enlightened?
A2. Sri Bhagavan:Once you get awakened, you must take the stand that you are awakened. Then you must talk about your state. Then allow the other person to question you. When that happens a relationship is established between your brain and the other person’s brain. Then you could either give a hands-on-deeksha, or an eye deeksha or an intent deeksha or a Oneness Meditation or a 64 deeksha or a deeksha with Bhakti Yoga. Anything and everything will work powerfully to make the other awakened. Once you are awakened your spiritual growth continues automatically. Awakening is a 100 steps scale. You may end up in any floor. Until the 69th floor we call you „awakened“. From 70st floor and above we call you „enlightened“.
Q3. Dear Bhagavan, my mind is always talking; it is never quiet and always takes the attention. What can I do to listen to my true inner voice? Is there a way to stay aware and concentrated?
A3. Sri Bhagavan:You can do nothing – after awakening all things would happen automatically.
Q4. Dear Sri Bhagavan, some mornings I awake with feelings of heaviness, darkness and sadness. It feels like if it would be also in my body but very strongly in my thoughts. Then, I feel it very consciously but it still stays there for a couple of hours.
How can I manage this? Thanks for your help.
A4. Sri Bhagavan:You do not have to worry about it, It is a sign that soon you are going to be awakened.
Q5. My dear Sri Bhagavan. THANK YOU for your grace and awakening which you are giving to us, to the mankind. I will be at home in Switzerland on December 21st, 2012. Could you please tell us Bhagavan what at this special day actually will happen and should we come together in bigger groups at this day? What is our function special on this day and what about our function for the time after December 21st, 2012?
My deepest gratitude to you and Sri Amma and to all guides and Oneness Beings, for all what you have done for me, for my family, for my friends and for all of us. In deep love and gratitude
A5. Sri Bhagavan:Most people could be awakened by December 21st. Then your work is to awaken the rest of mankind. Because you would have acquired power to awaken others.
Q6. Since my Deepening in July/August 2012 I often experience deep states. Myself being touched, I feel connected with all that is and I experience deep joy. But at the same time there are lots of tears. It's not sadness, it's simply tears. Unfortunately I cannot hold these states! Suddenly there's emptiness, where I did experience my Divine before. How can I keep the Divine present in me? Can I do something or is it just the grace of the Divine, which changes the state forever?
A6. Sri Bhagavan:You do not need to do anything. The grace of the Divine will take care of everything.
Q7. Beloved Bhagavan. Is it true that the moment of awakening for each person is set in the Akasha-Chronicles? If so, what sense do our efforts make? What can we change by ourselves? And which effects do these efforts have? Can the records in the Akasha-Chronicles be influenced this way? Can you influence them? And if yes, when do you effect them?
There are blessing givers in Switzerland, and surely in other countries too, who are feeling discouraged and ask themselves if they are doing something wrong or if they have an especially bad karma, because they are still not awakened.
Are we unawakened ones doing something wrong? Do we have an especially bad karma? Can you give us any comfort for the unawakened ones?
A7. Sri Bhagavan:Your dates of Awakening are recorded in the Akasha-Chronicles. But the Akasha records are changing depending what you are doing to the planet. Your days of awakening are found in the Akasha records, but these dates are not fixed. The dates are constantly changing depending on what is going on on the planet. By giving awakening to thousands of people in the temple in India (temple of the Oneness University near Chennai) we are pushing all people towards awakening. Our Oneness people should not be worried for most of them will be awakened by the end of this year. You do not need to be worried, or you do not need to be anxious. Many or most of you will be awakened on December 21st.
Q8. Beloved Bhagavan. Could you give some explanation on the kundalini. What happens with our kundalini before we are awakened? And what happens with our kundalini at the moment of declutching of the mind, and what happens to the kundalini once we are awakened? And what happens during awakened states?
A8. Sri Bhagavan:The kundalini is initially dormant in you, inactive in you. As the kundalini is awakened then it starts growing. You move into higher states of consciousness, you get declutched from the mind. You feel the holy presence. And finally you become one with God. The movement of the kundalini is your spiritual journey. After your awakening it keeps happening automatically. There is nothing for you to do. It is all Divine grace.
Q9. Dear Bhagavan, I thank you from my deepest heart for what you are doing for me and all humanity. Can you tell me Bhagavan, how will the awakening be for different cultures and religions? Would it be the same for Christians, Hindu or Muslims and Buddhist, or would they get awakened in different aspects of the Divine all the same?
A9. Sri Bhagavan:It will all be different but it will be an Oneness. A Buddhist will experience still awakening, a Muslim will experience still awakening, it will be all different for different religions depending on the conditioning and background. It will be different for a Hindu, it will be different for a Muslim, it will be different for a Christian.
Q10. How is it to become enlightened? Can an enlightened beings fall out of enlightenment again? Or do they stay in this state forever?
A10. Sri Bhagavan: People in awakened states could fall. People who are awakened can temporary fall out for a short time. But as you move into higher levels of awakening you do not fall at all.
Q11. Dear Bhagavan, after looking on my spiritual path I was convinced that this was my way. I suddenly realized that it was not. I was not aware of the notions, but they were intellectual. Dear Bhagavan, right now my question is: everything is a process and that happens in the spiritual path. Is this also a process Bhagavan?
A11. Sri Bhagavan:This is also a process.
Q12. Dearest Bhagavan, at the end of September you gave me awakening. Thousand thanks for this big and unbelievable gift. Everyday I can see more and more what big grace awakening really is. It is so wonderful to stay in this big love and peace and joy and silence and experience life instead of analyzing it. It is so wonderful to become more and more a complete nobody, free from any power games and ego games and free from all this craving for significance. All this stress is gone and life is so beautiful. I could never imagine it before. Some days after my awakening the mind tried to return in incredible brutality for about three days. I nearly could not hold this out and thought to become crazy. At this time I was not sure that I was awakened and whether it was wrong. That is why my question today is: Please tell us what will happen with the mind when mankind will be transformed and the Satya Yuga (Golden Age) will manifest? Will the mind disappear or die? Or will it be refilled with new contents as thoughts of love, compassion and Oneness? Or will it try to find a new way to come back? Thank you very much dear Bhagavan, and also to Amma and all your grace, love compassion and healing and for your selfless service to bring mankind out of suffering and to give us awakening and God realization. I love you so much, ever in your service.
A12. Sri Bhagavan:The mind will not disappear. It would be filled with a new content. That would be the Golden Age.
We shall now meditate for a few minutes.
Love you all. Love you.
Transcript: Sabina Preskar