Darshan with Sri Bhagavan and Taiwan December 17, 2012
10,000 from various spiritual communities gather for this event.
Pranams Bhagavan, here are a few questions from the Taiwanese group.
1.What is "Oneness"?
Sri Bhagavan: Oneness is a state of consciousness, where the seer, the seeing, and the seen are one and the same.
2.What is "Deeksha"?
Sri Bhagavan: Deeksha is a transference of Divine energy from the Divine to the human.
3.What is "Oneness Meditation"?
Sri Bhagavan: Oneness Meditation is conducted by people specifically chosen by the Divine for the transference of Divine energy.
4a.What is awakening?
Sri Bhagavan: Most of humanity is in a state of daydreaming. It is essential that they become free of daydreaming, which we call awakening.
4b. Why does humanity need to be awakened?
Sri Bhagavan: Most of humanity's problems arise from the fact that they are not awakened. An awakened humanity will enter the Golden Age.
4c. And what are the benefits if we are awakened?
Sri Bhagavan: If we are awakened, we experience unconditional love and limitless joy.
5.Right now there are over 170,000 people awakened in the world. What is its impact on the future of the Earth and on our lives? What kind of a future can we expect Bhagavan?
Sri Bhagavan: Because so many people are getting awakened, more and more people will get awakened naturally and spontaneously till all the mankind is awakened. When that happens, we will enter the Golden Age.
6.For a person who has never been in contact with Oneness or any spiritual course, and does not know what awakening is, nor does he have any intent for getting awakened, can such a person be awakened? If so, how does it happen?
Sri Bhagavan: Such a person too will be awakened, and it happens because so many others are awakened.
7.Nowadays more and more people are single, many people cannot find their life partners and the divorce rate is getting higher and higher. How do you see this Bhagavan? And what can we do to have beautiful partnerships and marriages, Sri Bhagavan?
Sri Bhagavan: Awakening is the only solution to this problem.
Gratitude to Naeemah and Maria Oneness for the transcript.