Video Conferencia con Vikram Ji en Venezuela el 21-1-2012
Webcast with Vikramji & Venezuela 21.01.2012
Vikramji: Namaste. My New Year's wishes to the Oneness family in Venezuela. May you have a wonderful New Year full of AmmaBhagavan's grace and blessings. Let's begin the questions.
Q1: I heard at the Deepening course last September that Bhagavan referred to the Venezuela process. Do you know something about it? From your perspective, what should the people of Venezuela focus on?
Vikramji: It is very important that we attain the number of awakened people for every country, including Latin America. We have to focus on our inner world. You must focus on liberation and you must focus on three aspects. First, focus on your relationships, setting right your relationships, mainly with your parents. The second step is confronting your inner truth confronting your inner ugliness; that which you are trying to run away in your life from, not able to see yourself. All the time you are trying to become something else, trying to achieve something else, not able to be yourself.
The third aspect is your perception about life, your perception about God. All these you must focus on, these three aspects: your relationships, mainly with your parents; staying in touch with yourself and through yourself with your inner Divine, with inner integrity; the third is your perception about God. Do you feel your God can give you anything? Are you limiting your God? If He's only limited to this or to that, He cannot give you awakening. It is not possible for Him. What is the kind of God you've created through your own personal life experiences?
The nature of the mind is to ...miss/mess...our... ?? and run behind something, and there are thousands of things available, but what is more important than this is your relationship with your parents, inner integrity, confronting your truth, and your perceptions about life and God. How quickly does your God respond? What kind of God you've created for yourself? Is your God capable enough to give you awakening? Have you given so much freedom to your God? These three things are the main important things. If you take care of these things, all other things are covered.
Q2: If our thoughts belong to a "collective mass of thoughts," is there a way to control the thoughts that come to our minds? Or is it appropriate to think that we are influenced by spiritual entities?
Vikramji: What is the mind? Mind is a collection of thoughts. The unconscious mind is a collection of the past: the thoughts of your parents, your own life, your ancestors, forefathers; all those thoughts form the thought sphere. Depending on the physical situation, depending on your internal condition, you attune to particular kinds of thoughts.
Let us say you eat spicy food, you could get an angry thought. Let us say you are eating yesterday's food kept in the refrigerator you might get lazy thoughts. Let us say you are traveling through a war zone you may get violent thoughts. Let us say you go to a temple or a church you get spiritual thoughts, auspicious thoughts. Let us say you go to a house where somebody has died recently there you may get fearful thoughts, or a place where there have been many accidents -an accident prone zone- there you might get fearsome thoughts.
So the kinds of thoughts depend on the situation you are in, the place you are in, and the emotions that are getting triggered inside, your internal condition. Some factors are in your control many thousands of factors are not in your control. Let us say a meteorite is colliding with some other planet, because of that you might get a violent thought. There are thousands of factors involved which you cannot understand. So you are naturally tuning into particular kinds of thoughts. The external situations are creating thoughts inside you coming from your own past life experiences. All these things are out of your control. What is there in your control is your inner state, your past.
Even an Awakened person will experience fear, will experience everything, but it is only a passing thing. It just passes like you're standing on a road a bus is passing, a car is passing; everything is passing like that; a violent thought, a fearful thought, everything is passing, but he doesn't stay with it; he doesn't tune into it. What the unawakened being does is we tune into those thoughts and we suffer more in our lives.
What are these thoughts doing? They are triggering your past: the past pain, the past resistance, the past charges. You are having thoughts for so many reasons that are in your past. The whole universe is going on forgetting your past, what it wants is you to heal your past. And once you heal your past, the healing is more complete. The past just moves over you; it doesn't stay with you. It just flows like a channel.
You cannot stop your thoughts or from having those particular kinds of thoughts. You are having those thoughts for a particular reason which is flowing from your past. But if you heal your past, then those thoughts will stop bothering you. That is more important.
Q3: How can I handle my mind so it doesn't disturb me? I know it's not mine, and I know I'm existence-consciousness-bliss. But I get confused when trying to liberate myself from my mind.
Vikramji: The first thing what you must understand is we don't refer to the mind as existence-consciousness-bliss. These three qualities are beyond the mind. When the mind is not there, what's there is the experience of existence, consciousness and bliss. It is the experience of God. Even the sense of the self is not there; the nature of the self is to separate everything, saying: this is yours - this is mine; my God - your God; it always keeps dividing everything. So even once you go beyond the small self and discover the higher self that is the state of existence, consciousness and bliss. This state of existence-consciousness-bliss is the state of an Awakened person.
But free of the presence called "mind" is free of the sense of separation from the other. So what you could do with your mind is understand you often get confused when you're trying to liberate yourself from the mind. This is an experience beyond the mind. How can you understand with your mind? So it must happen to you - only through Divine Grace it can happen to you.
Even when you're trying to understand anything with your mind, you're trying to frame it, you are trying to limit it, you are trying to restrict it; that is the nature of the mind. So this experience is beyond the mind. When you're free of the mind, you're in the state of existence-consciousness and your experience is bliss. So all you can do is, when the mind is disturbing you, you must become aware of the disturbance, stay with the disturbance, and the disturbance will take you to the origin of the problem, and it will liberate you there through Divine Grace.
Don't try to understand mind, do not try to understand this experience of existence-consciousness-bliss. You may have an experience of it, you may have a glimpse of it, when you are in an Awakened state, in a peak state. Until you land in this state, stay with the truth of yourself, stay with inner integrity. What is trying to understand this is also the mind. All the time trying to get liberated is also the mind. How can the mind get liberated from itself by putting its own effort? It is not possible. ..??...again and again. See or think of the mind and how all the time it's trying to become something else it's not. By trying to run away from all the things, the mind continues to suffer. See that and that's immediate liberation.
Q4: In a Bhagavan speech, He said that when one is Awakened his heart opens, and He also said that we would only be able to follow our hearts once we are Awakened. Does it mean that only an Awakened person is one who is really following his heart?
Vikramji: In an Awakened person his mind is not active. What is active is the heart. The heart is full of desires. It wants to give love; it wants to feel love, and sometimes you experience Divine love also. When your heart is opened, that is when your heart is awakened, you become a kind person; you become a compassionate person; you become a loving human being. If your heart is awakened - it could get awakened through a really personal experience or experiencing pain too much in a particular situation; that may lead to your heart getting awakened - and when your heart's open, you're closer to awakening, you feel more connected to AmmaBhagavan. So an Awakened person is one who's following his heart and is very spontaneous; it's not coming from his past; it's not coming from his unconscious. He's just spontaneously flowing and moving forward in life.
And when you are following your heart that doesn't mean you will not land into problems. Okay. Even when you're following your heart there will be problems but you will be able to solve them and move forward in your life. There is nothing without any problems because to learn you have to bond properly. Also, what you're trying to do is you're trying to analyze an awakened person. Why do you want to analyze? Okay. I'll give you an analysis and an assumption, but it's not the actual truth. It would be like that, the truth as an assumption; that is not the truth.
Q5: I know my thoughts are not mine because I can watch them as they go through my mind without getting involved with them, if I put my attention on this. Also, if I put my attention on thoughts, I can think them. When I do not put my attention on them I feel I am in silence and it is easier to feel physically and maybe my heart is functioning.... Is this what it is to be Awakened?
Vikramji: According to Bhagavan having a thought is suffering. A thought is suffering made up of energy. It is destroying your experience of reality. So as you keep focusing on your thoughts, the thoughts connect you to your past, to your past charges. When you dissolve your charges, you are at peace with your emotions; whether it be fear, anger - whatever it is - you are at peace with it. There is no more fighting with it. This is a state of peace, a state of calm, it is a state of joy; you also feel silence inside because what has been driving you, the assumption that was driving you, is no more active. The charge is dissolved. The thought doesn't have any power. Your heart responds more. All this is going to help you towards Awakening; it is not Awakening; it is Awakening in the beginning stages. But what we call awakening is where there are no more disturbances; they no more affect you. They are just passing through you; they are not staying within you. You are not indulging in those thoughts.
Q6: How it will be in the Golden Age for kids? Could they awaken independently of karma from other lives?
Vikramji: Say, there is mental illness or something, internally the person is in a very good state. The family will be affected; it is the karma of the family that is affecting that person; but that person internally is in a very good state. Now the parents and family are trying to obtain a solution. When you become awakened and the world is very different, there will be a solution but not by the search for solution. Whatever the person it will be a ..??. and you'll be able to flow with life.
When you are in a good state, when you are in an Awakened state, such children with mental or physical disabilities, mentally challenged, then that usually comes out because the karma of this planet, the body of the planet, comes out. Such children there will be less and less born on this planet. And once the parents are in a very good state, slowly as they keep progressing forward as parents, slowly children also will be in very good states. They will be able to quickly learn from their problems; they will be able to progress faster; they will be able to assimilate faster - all will take place very soon.
Now it is time for Bhagavan's webcast. During the webcast I would like all of you to pray for your Awakenings, for your state to deepen. I will also pray for all of you, for your Awakening.
What's the population of Venezuela? So thirty million; we need ten Awakened people per million, so we need three hundred Awakened people in Venezuela. So that number is obtained by the end of this year; then we will be able to save Venezuela from calamities, from problems. We must obtain three hundred Awakened beings in Venezuela before the end of this year, and YOU must be part of this.
So I will pray for all of you; you also pray for this during the webcast. My love to all of you. Have a great New Year. Namaste to all of you. See you all again.
Transcript: Kris Hartigian