Weekly Webcast Teachings
Dec 2012 to March 2013
24th-Mar 30th
"The Awakened One naturally becomes significant
The unawakened one craves for signficance "The Awakened One naturally becomes significant
The unawakened one craves for signficance "The Awakened One naturally becomes significant
The unawakened one craves for signficance "The Awakened One is naturally responsible
The unawakened one is afraid of responsiblity"
17- 23rd March
"The Awakened One naturally becomes significant
The unawakened one craves for signficance"
10 - 16 March
"The Awakened One has no conflict
The unawakened one is in conflict"
3 – 9 March
"The Awakened One knows that nothing is permanent
The unawakened one seeks permanence"
24 Feb -2 March
"The Awakened One does not get hurt, therefore there is nothing to forgive
The unawakened one gets hurt therefore tries to forgive"
17 -23 Feb
"The Awakened One cares for others
The unawakened one cares for oneself"
10th – 16th February 2013:
"The Awakened One has no fundamental questions.
The unawakened one has fundamental questions"
3rd – 9th February 2013:
"The Awakened One experiences the stillness of energy.
The unawakened one experiences the wastage of energy"
27th January – 2nd February 2013:
"The Awakened One has no question about oneself.
The unawakened one is full of question about oneself"
20th – 26th January 2013:
"The Awakened One does not move into self pity.
The unawakened one wallows in self pity"
13th – 19th January 2013:
"The Awakened One does not crave.
The unawakened one keeps craving"
6th – 12th January 2013:
"The Awakened One feels helpless.
The unawakened feels desperate"
30th December 2012 – 5th January 2013:
"The Awakened One perceives everything as perfect.
The unawakened one perceives everything in terms of pain and pleasure"