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Jan to Jun/July 2011 Webcast Teachings



26th June - 2ndJuly 2011:

“The Awakened one experiences all the time.
The unawakened one dreams all the time.”

19th-25thJune 2011:

“The Awakened One is virtuous. The unawakened one practices virtue.”

12th-18thJune 2011:

“The Awakened one is one with the what is.
The unawakened one is one with the what should be.”

5th -11thJune 2011:

“The Awakened One sees the many as the One.
The unawakened one sees the One as the many."

29thMay - 4 thJune 2011:

"The Awakened One lives in the mystery that life is.
The unawakened one tries to understand what life is."

22nd–28thMay 2011:

“The awakened one, whether does or does not do, does not try.
The unawakened one, whether does or does not do, does try.”

15th–21stMay 2011:

"The Awakened One has no mind.
The unawakened one has a mind.
The Awakened One having no mind works with the mind of others.
The unawakened one having a mind struggles with the mind of others."

8th–14thMay 2011:

"The Awakened One allows things to happen their own way.
The unawakened one tries to make things happen one's own way."

1st-7thMay 2011:

"The Awakened One is constantly unlearning and therefore continuously unburdened, lives in freedom. The unawakened one is constantly learning and therefore continuously burdened and does not know what freedom is and hence what living is."

30thApril/1stMay 2011:

"The Awakened One does not know or understand, but sees.
The unawakened one knows and understands, but does not see."

23rd/24thApril 2011:

“The Awakened One has nothing to defend and therefore does nothing to feel secure.
The unawakened one has a lot to defend and therefore must do things to feel secure.”

16th/17thApril 2011:

"The Awakened One sees the imperfect as perfect in itself; and hence rejoices
in the way things are.
The un-awakened one sees imperfection everywhere; and hence he is unhappy and dissatisfied with the way things are.
The un-awakened one must therefore work to change things. This too is perfect for the Awakened One."

9th/10thApril 2011:

"The Awakened One has no sense of being and doing. The Awakened One has no vision or goal in mind. There is just doing. The Awakened One is humble, and doesnot practice humility.The unawakened has a sense of being and doing, and therefore must have a vision or goal in mind. The unawakened must practice humility. "

2nd/3rdApril 2011:

"When One is not Awakened One must not behave like one.

When One is Awakened One practises nothing.One is just Awake.
To be Awake is not a means to an end.
To be Awake is an end in itself.

When One is not Awake One must practise goodness.

When there is no goodness One must practise virtue.

When there is no virtue One must practise ritual conditioning. "

26th/27thMarch 2011:

"Thoughts are subtle, divisive and elusive; and an expression of the self.  They wander as they like. They create judgement and a troubled and disturbed mind.  They prevent Awareness from happening.  The unawakened must learn to direct, to control and to quieten thoughts by ruling over them. The Awakened One has moved beyond judgement, for he has gone beyond thought; as he is always ‘Aware’. "

19th/20thMarch 2011:

"The Awakened One does nothing; but leaves nothing undone; for all things are happening all the time around and through the Awakened One."

12th/13thMarch 2011:

“The Awakened One neither suppresses nor ignores, neither resists nor justifies what is there, inside or outside; but merely is aware of the what is "

5th/6thMarch 2011:

"The Awakened One does not perceive anything as good or bad; or as right or wrong; and hence has no preferences; and therefore doesnot try to change the way things are."

26./27thFebruary 2011:

"The Awakened One achieves nothing; for there is nothing to be achieved.
The Awakened One understands nothing; for there is nothing to be understood.
The Awakened One knows nothing; for there is nothing to be known."

19./20. February  2011:

"The Awakened One knows that there is  nothing to learn; what is needed is only to unlearn. "

12./13. February 2011:

"The Awakened One has no fixed plans and no destination.
The Awakened One accepts oneself; and the world accepts the Awakened One.
The Awakened One knows oneself; and hence has wisdom.
The Awakened One has no conflict with oneself; and hence has true power.
The Awakened One embraces death; for there is no death for the Awakened One."

5./6. February 2011:

"The Awakened One sees things as they are, and doesnt try to control or shape them.  
The Awakened One doesnt try to convince others.                                                         
The Awakened One knows that what is to happen will happen; and what is not to happen will not happen; and that the universe is forever out of control."

29./30. January 2011:

"The Awakened One does not try to change the world. It is perfect and sacred to the Awakened One."

22./23. January 2011:

"The Awakened One has no will and no illusions. The Awakened One merely dwells in reality."

15./16. January 2011:

"The Awakened One sees the world emerging from the void; therefore accept the world as it is. As the Awakened One accepts the world as it is, the Awakened One is established in the primal Self."

8./9. January  2011:

"The Awakened One is open to all people and all situations and flows with them."

1./2. January  2011:

"The Awakened One journeys without journeying."