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Wealth Deeksha Miracles

Participants who attended the wealth process advised me of the following miracles

Hi David, I just had another miracle happen today. My website has made it to page 1 on the Google search. This has never happened before and I have been trying to achieve this goal for over 8 years. Thanks to the Oneness Wealth Process the internet orders will be rolling in. Namaste my dear friend. Keep you the amazing work!! You are a ray of sunshine!! xx

David, Thank-you so much for another fabulous Oneness Process on Saturday. I have adopted a child through world vision and we are so looking forward to giving him a good life. I am so blessed to have you in my life. The funds are flowing freely and my husband and I have had one of the best weeks financially in a long time. Namaste and blessings to you. I am looking forward to the next process. Lisa xx


Other participants who attended process advised during the week

-healing of relationships

-huge discount on products obtained

-instant funding for projects

-big increase in clients

-wage rise

-payments from slow paying clients

-payments from people who had borrowed funds

-optimistic and positive attitude

-joy and clarity

-significant rise in sales